A day dedicated to climate change and youth at the Parliament

On November 6, a seminar on climate change was held for 9-12 grade pupils at the Parliament of the Republic of Estonia, concentrating on possible future climate change risks and what can be done to prevent climate change. 
The pupils also signed a declaration by which they ask for estonia to fight more effectively against climate change and thereby be a role model for other countries. The declaration was sent to the Minister of the Environment Marko Pomerants and Mr Rainer Vakra. 
The event was organised by the NGO Mondo, the Estonian Nature Foundation and Unesco's Estonian National Commission. Kerli Kirsimaa, assistant of the climate and energy programme at SEI Tallinn delievered a presentation on possible climate change effects and the need for adaptation based on the ENFRA project. 

Click here for Kerli Kirsimaa's presentation How climate change will influence Estonia and why climate change adaptation is important.

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