
SEI Tallinn is responsible for project management, reporting, exchange of information and publicty, as well as for organising project launch event and conducting sub-sector analysis and action plans for the implementation of the five following sub-categories:
  • Technical Support Systems
  • Transport
  • Energy idependence and supply security
  • Implementing energy efficiency
  • Electricity production 

Estonian University of Life Sciences 

Partner Estonian University of Life Sciences is the only university in  Estonia whose priorities in academic and research activities  provide the sustainable development of natural resources  necessary for the existence of Man as well as the preservation of  heritage and habitat. The Technical Institute of Estonian University of Life Sciences was established on January 1, 2005, as one of the five research institutes. The Institute is taking part of project launch event and conducts analysis and action plans for the implementation of the following two sub-categories:
  • Energy Resources
  • Heat production and cooling 
The experts of the Estonian University of Life Sciences have an in-depth and practical experience in using various energy resources (separately or in conjuction) for the production of electricity as well as heat and they have knowledge of and experience in optimization of energy production on grassroots level  (in particular companies and consumer groups in which the effects of climate change manifests itself on a daily basis). The specific experience of Estonian University of Life Science's experts gives added value to the knowledge base of the entrie project team.
Baltic Environment Forum 

Partner Baltic Environment Forum's (BEF) main objective is to promote environmental protection and the development of relavant skills in various agencies and interest groups. BEF is taking part of project launch event and conducts analysis and action plan for the implementation of the following sub-categorie:
  • Buildings 
The experts of the Baltic Environment Forum have been involved in the project of BaltClim, as the only expert out of the three Baltic States, in order to exchange experiences in the preparation of climate change adaptation strategies at the national level. They have also thoroughly analysed the methods of improving the energy efficiency of buildings and indoor climate, as well as methods of improving the building practices and building materials. BEF experience gives added value to the project team's collective knowledge base.

Fridtjof Nansen Institute 

Partner Fridtjof Nansen Institute is an independent Norwegian foundation engaged in research on international environmental, energy and resource management politics. FNI is responsible for the preparations and conducting of 2-day training course (planning and implementation of climate change adaptation of the  infrastructure and energy sector in the Kingdom of Norway) for the experts included in the project.

Involvement of FNI is necessary in order to best use the experience of Norwegian climate change adaptation as to supplement the knowledge base of Estonian experts for the benefit of drawing up their national climate change adaptation strategy. Norway is one of the few countries where climate change adaptation measures are implemented on a daily basis, both on national as well as local government levels and within business sectors, and where the public is well informed about the effects of climate change. The need for climate change adaptation in Estonia has not yet been realized, and the practical experience of planning and implementing climate change adaptation measures on the levels of businesses and national - and local governments is yet weak or missing. Therefore it is essential for Estonia to examine the expereince of other countries via trainings given by experts to experts, in order to plan and carry out the corresponding activities. Involvement of foreign partners is also important and necessary in terms of further cooperation between experts.

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